a) What is Electrolysis hair removal?

Electrolysis treatments are a form of electrical epilation. A wire filament is inserted into the hair follicle and a very minute amount of current is delivered to the root of the hair which destroys it. When properly performed, electrolysis results are permanent. The treatment offers results for people who are otherwise not a great candidate for laser hair removal i.e. people who have blonde, red or grey hair. Electrolysis has been practised professionally since 1875.
b) How does electrolysis hair removal work?

In simple terms, a tiny probe is inserting into the skin through a pen-like attachment. These insertions enter an individual hair follicle where an electrical current, heat or a combination of the 2 destroys the hair at the root. The hair is then gently removed with tweezers. It is not the same as plucking, the hair should have released and will glide out.
Galvanic Electrolysis – Galvanic is the oldest type for of electrolysis hair removal. The current used is extremely effective but very slow. It creates a chemical change in the follicle to disable the root.
Thermolysis Electrolysis – Thermolysis uses shortwave radiofrequency or AC current. Thermolysis causes the water molecules in the hair to rapidly vibrate, this produces heat. When enough heat is created, thermolysis damages the cells that cause hair growth.
Blend Electrolysis – Blend combines both galvanic and thermolysis in one treatment. This is often the most effective method.
c) who can have electrolysis hair removal?
All skin types and hair textures are eligible for electrolysis. It's not light-based as with laser and therefore more widely tolerated.

You can see incredible results from this photo. Electrolysis is permanent. Following treatment, the client has slight redness and moderate irritation that appears raised. Such side effects can be expected and will last a short while.
b) Advantages & disadvantages of electrolysis hair removal
- Permanent results can be achieved.
- Available for all skin types and hair textures. Coarse to very fine hair.
- Can treat all areas except the eyes, nose and ears.
- Only 1 individual hair can be treated at once. Treatment time can run into several months or years. Larger areas are going to require commitment and may become costly over time.
- Electrolysis can cause bothersome irritation in sensitive skin. You'll be unable to shave untreated hair until the irritation has subsided.
- Electrolysis can cause PIH, scabbing and scarring, particularly in deep skin. This can be down to a poorly executed treatment or improper aftercare of the skin following.
Electrolysis is great in combination with laser hair removal. Laser although not permanent, can treat a greater quantity of hair at once.